Үндэсний хэмжээний хамгийн том банк, санхүүгийн салбарт тэргүүлэгч ХААН Банк нь олон нийтэд үнэт цаасны танилцуулгаа амжилттай хийлээ. Танилцуулга арга хэмжээ 2023 оны 4-р сарын 6–ны өдөр 11:30-13:30 цагт “Шангри-Ла Улаанбаатар” зочид буудлын Хүндэтгэлийн хүлээн авалтын танхимд болсон ба МҮОНРТ орон даяар шууд дамжуулан хүргэсэн юм. Тус арга хэмжээнд ХААН Банкны гүйцэтгэх захирал Р. Мөнхтуяа […]

Өмгөөллийн “ХаанЛекс Партнерс” ХХН хуулийн фирм нь “МонБийф” ХХК-ийн олон нийтэд хувьцаа анх удаа санал болгох ажлын хүрээнд мэргэжлийн хууль зүйн зөвлөх үйлчилгээг амжилттай үзүүллээ

Таван Богд Группийн хамгийн анхны IPO MONBEEF брэндийн хувьцааны захиалга 2020 оны 8 –р сарын 8-ний өдөр Монголын хөрөнгийн бирж дээр Анхдагч зах зээлийн арилжааны цан цохих ёслолоор нээгдэж, захиалга даруй 228.4 хувиар амжилттай биеллээ. Өмгөөллийн “ХаанЛекс Партнерс” ХХН хуулийн фирм нь тус IPO дээр хуулийн зөвлөхөөр ажиллаж, хөрөнгө оруулагч, хувьцаа эзэмшигч нарт зориулан хөндлөнгийн […]

EBRD publishes “Assessment of Reorganisation Procedures in Insolvency” report

The recent Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of insolvency and reorganisation frameworks to support businesses in financial difficulties. In response, EBRD carried out a Business Reorganisation Assessment of national insolvency frameworks to provide an overview of business reorganisation practices and to propose areas where further development of national legislation is needed. The Assessment was […]


“Омни актив ТЗК” ХХК-ийн МХБ-ээр дамжуулан олон нийтэд нээлттэй арилжаалагдах хөрөнгөөр баталгаажсан үнэт цаасны анхдагч зах зээлийн арилжааг нээх цан цохих ёслолын арга хэмжээ өнөөдөр боллоо. Ёслолын арга хэмжээнд СЗХ-ны Ажлын албаны дарга Т.Жамбаажамц, СЗХ-ны Үнэт цаасны газрын дарга Б.Дөлгөөн, МХБ-ийн гүйцэтгэх захирал Х.Алтай, “Омни капитал ББСБ” ХХК-ийн ТУЗ-ын дарга Ч.Эрэлхэг, “Омни актив ТЗК”-ийн ТУЗ-ын […]

OmniCapital NBIF’s ABS to hit the market

OmniCapital, one of Mongolia’s largest NBFI’s, are all set to offer asset-backed securities. The asset-backed securities by OmniCapital will be offered to the investors on the Mongolian Stock Exchange in Feb 2022. These are only the second publicly traded ABS in history of the Mongolia’s fledgling capital markets. Asset-backed securities (“ABS”) are a fixed-income securities […]

KhanLex advises European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on a loan facility to VisionFund Mongolian NBFI

KhanLex advised European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on its loan to VisionFund Mongolia NBFI LLC.The loan funds will support Mongolian micro businesses owned by women, following the accord between the two financial institutions under the EBRD’s Central Asian Women in Business (WiB) programme. VisionFund Mongolia (VFMN) is a subsidiary of the VisionFund International microfinance […]

KhanLex Partners LLP ranked top by The Legal 500

We are happy to announce our “Top-Tier Law Firm in Mongolia” ranking by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific (2021). In addition to the Top-Tier Law Firm honours, several individual lawyers of KhanLex Partners have been ranked – Batsukh Enkhbat and Batjargal Gombosuren have been ranked “Leading Lawyers in Mongolia”.  Also, another KhanLex partner – Uchralbayar […]

KhanLex advises EBRD on a MNT 5.0 billion loan facility to a Mongolian micro lender

KhanLex advised European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on its up to MNT 5,0 billion loan facility to Mongolia’s leading micro lender – Transcapital NBFI LLC. Transcapital, one of the first and largest microfinance institutions in the country, has been an EBRD client since 2013. The loan is yet again one of the several that […]

KhanLex Partners LLP ranked by Chambers & Partners

KhanLex are happy to announce its ranking by Chambers & Partners (2021). Chambers & Partners, a leading producer of international rankings for the legal industry, has ranked KhanLex Partners for the first time in its 2021 publication. Specifically, the firm has been ranked as a “Band 3 Law Firm in Mongolia”. This ranking has been […]

KhanLex assists WorldBusiness Capital with its USD 15.0 million loan to Golomt Bank

KhanLex assisted US-based WorldBusiness Capital, Inc. (WBC) with the final disbursement of its USD15.0 million loan to Golomt Bank, one of Mongolia’s largest commercial banks. The disbursement will provide a funding source for Golomt to support its lending to SMEs throughout Mongolia, primarily businesses in the agribusiness sector. WBC’s loan is supported by the U.S. […]